It was clear tonight! My new motorized focuser arrived last week, so I got to try it out tonight. It works great! The little motor doesn't make the scope wobble like it does when I focus by hand.
Here is one of my two targets tonight. I'll post the other one tomorrow since I need to head to bed. I think I skipped a processing step with Jupiter; it looks a little over-sharpened.
Here is Jupiter from Sunday night, the seeing was not very good so it's a little blurry. Caught some good glimpses through the eyepiece though. Saw a baby rabbit in the yard while I was taking the videos.
I took a test shot of the Fireworks Galaxy on Saturday night. This is 45 minutes total exposure, I'll need to add several hours more exposure to get this up to snuff. No skunks sighted!
I took the scope out last night, but no photography. I fine tuned some of the imaging equipment and did some observing. First I took a look at the Ring Nebula - here's an image I took in July.
Next I looked at M13, a big globular cluster. Here's two old images, one from 2005 and one from June of this year.
Here is my first-ever photo of the Eagle Nebula. This is a stellar nursery, all these stars are newly born. The image is zoomed in on the center of the nebula, the whole thing won't fit in my field of view. I think it turned out really nice. Saw one skunk in the backyard while photographing. 92 minutes total exposure.
Jupiter was great tonight! Very steady skies. Also saw a skunk in the backyard. This is a quick draft of one of the images I took, and it's probably my best Jupiter image to date.
Here's Jupiter from last night. You can see the Red Spot happens to be in the same position as the last Jupiter image I posted, but some of the other clouds have moved around a bit relative to the Spot since then.
Here's a short movie (1.2MB) I made of Pluto this summer - click the image below to start the movie. Pluto is near the arrow, it's the small dot that crawls very slowly past the background stars. The movie shows 40 minutes of Pluto's motion.
Welcome to my new blog! I've set this up to share my photography and other stuff.
Here is an image I took last night of the galaxy M81 in Ursa Major. 56 minutes total exposure. The nearly full moon washed it out more than I had hoped, and a couple satellites wandered through as well. I will try this galaxy again on a dark night in the Spring when it's positioned much more favorably in the sky.